Faith Communities

Children play an important role in every faith tradition. Here are a few ways your faith community can get involved in this important movement.
See why this issue is a moral challenge for all of us and what faith leaders are doing to rise to this challenge.
- This report from a First 2000 Days Faith Summit in North Carolina is a great place to start.
Join faith communities across Guilford County and the country to kick off "Week of the Young Child," a celebration of children from birth to age five.
Here are some starter ideas:
- Share your perspectives about young children during the service. What does your faith tell you about how young children should be treated? About the responsibility of adults? Of society?
- Recognize parents/caregivers and early childhood professionals who are actively building the next generation through their work.
- Hold a dialogue session with parents/caregivers. How can your faith community support them during their parenting journey?
- Share a childrens' message to connect the service to the youngest children in your faith community.
- Write a letter to the editor or a blog post about the challenges that young children face in our community and the call to respond. (We can help!)
Participate in other "Week of the Young Child" activities. Click here for details.
Share the facts and stories about "The State of Young Children" in Guilford County.
- Today, one in three children in Guilford County will enter kindergarten unprepared.
- Research shows that once a student falls behind, he or she typically stays behind.
- We have the opportunity to raise the bar for children in Guilford County and to give every child a chance, and it starts with educating everyone.
- If you're interested in having a speaker come to address your faith community, contact us.
Hold a study group about issues young children face in our community.
The First 2000 Days video provides a good starting point. Watch the First 2000 Days video.
Host a screening of Raising of America.
If you have a Wednesday night service/study/gathering, this might be a topic that will engage members and start good dialogue about early childhood. You can watch a 10-minute trailer here. (We would be delighted to help you plan and schedule a screening.) Hold a supply drive for a high-quality childcare classroom.
Early childhood professionals often spend their own money on supplies for their classrooms. We can help you get connected to a classroom.
Donate together.
Your community can make a big difference in the lives of young children when you work together. Have an idea for a fundraiser? Contact us.
Learn more about global issues related to young children and what faith communities around the world are doing to elevate them.
The Global Network of Religions for Children, a global interfaith network of organizations and individuals dedicated to securing the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
Want more information or have ideas to share? Contact us.