
You don't have to be an early childhood expert to help make Guilford County a better place for young children and their families. Here are a few ways you can get involved.
- Getting social. Anyone is able to "Like" us on Facebook and share our news with their friends and followers.
- Signing up for our monthly e-newsletter and advocate bulletins to connect with what's happening in Guilford County when it comes to early childhood development.
- Write a letter to the editor to show your support for funding programs that help all children succeed.
- Contact your elected officials and tell them how important early childhood development is to our county and to our state.
- Host a First 2000 Days gathering. We are delighted to help you spread the word about the importance of the First 2000 Days. If you gather a group, we'll provide a speaker. Contact us.
If you would like more information or have ideas to share? Contact us.