
Childcare & Preschool Teachers

NC Pre-K

NC Pre K

More than 2,100 children in Guilford County are enrolled in high-quality NC Pre-K programs. The program is free to participants with the goal of helping young children prepare for kindergarten. NC Pre-K sites include public elementary schools, Head Start Centers, and private childcare centers throughout Guilford County.

NC Pre-K Program through GCPC is free to participants with the goal of helping young children prepare for kindergarten. Our partners are a key component to keep our classrooms thriving. Please find tools and information that may be useful.

Tools for Our NC Pre-K Program Partners

Kindergarten School Search

We are so excited to share the new Kindergarten School Search  link located on the DCDEE website.

In accordance with Session Law 2021-117, DCDEE has created the Kindergarten School Search tool which allows for families to access the following information:− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Public Schools− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Charter Schools− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Private Schools− Scholarship information for Private Schools

The information is searchable by school name/school type, as well as by county, city, and/or zip code and results may be printed or saved as needed. Upon request, a facility participating in the NC Pre-K program must provide families with a list of the educational opportunities located in the same county as the NC Pre-K facility, or, if specified, any other county.

If you have any questions, please email DCDEE here.


For information or assistance related to NC Pre-K, contact us.

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